Sunday, March 28, 2010

Re-working old stories

I recently had to recapture a lot of my previous works due to a computer death. I was also lucky enough to find several pieces in progress - and have been reviewing and tweaking them for possible submissions to current or future COF's.

I've learned a lot about myself and my writing over the years. It's an interesting, inspiring and sometimes humbling experience to read stories that I wrote when I first began to purposely work at this craft.

It's interesting to see that the characters I created years ago still speak to me. I can see them clearly in my mind's eye. I'm still in love with each and every one of them.

It's inspiring because by reading my old stories, I recognize that this is my purpose. This talent is my destiny. I feel complete and centered when writing. In touching these pieces, I'm inspired to create new work. I hope to never lose sight of that again.

And this process is humbling. As I read and smile and swell with pride, I also stumble over those parts that just plain suck.

What the hell was I thinking? Did I write that? "Ravenous growls?" Good Grief!

At that point, I'm humbled and reminded that with any talent must come the work. The editing, the re-writing, the promoting. Without that, talent doesn't mean squat. It's only potential.

10% inspiration + 90% perspiration.

Oh yeah...

Back to work.